About Chito
Thu, 16 Sep 2010 03:56:41 +0800 | Comments(115) | Category:Chito | Tags:chito_demo rails ruby
Chito is a full feature blogging platform in Rails.
- Ruby 1.9.2+
- Rails 3.1+
- MySQL or SQLite3 database engine
- Linux or MacOS system
1.Get Chito
$ git clone git@github.com:galeki/chito.git
2.Install gems with bundler
Inside the Chito dir, run:
$ bundle install
3.Create database
Edit config/database.yml with proper database name and password.
Then run:
$ rake db:migrate
Or if you are deploying Chito in production, run:
$ RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
4.Setup Chito files
Just run:
$ rake chito:setup
This will copy some cache files of themes and plugins to /public.
Just run:
$ rails s
and launch your favorite web browser with:
Or if you want deply Chito in production, now is ready deploy with Mongrel or Passenger… just like other rails applications.